Tuesday, June 17, 2008

He tells me I have a great ass and he likes sleeping with me. Is that enough to get completely lost in someone? Just cause he has this mischievious half smile that makes me laugh giddily like an over excited toddler. Just cause he talks about quantum physics with this burning passion to know more. Just cause he remembers the little, minute details of my life. Is it enough?

I remember the first night we both gave in. With my face in the pillow, I asked him muffled questions with bated breath and he answered in heavy whispers even though we were alone. I turned to face him just as he slipped his arm around me and we just laid there eyes wide open wondering what to do next. I remember wanting to resist kissing him but everything in me resisted that idea. We kissed with a passion that had been pent up for what seemed like ages. That kiss surged a wave of relief over me like never before, almost like it was right. It just was, no questions, although I had many.

We're still in the beginning phase of our relationship, where it's all steamy showers, secret smouldering looks across a crowded room and lots of morning sex. Last week, we spent 4 nights together in a row and it makes me miss him when he's not there. Which in turn, makes me want to nip that in the bud. He is not allowed to have that kind of control over my heart but why does it feel so good to let someone else hold the reins for once? Something tells me I could use a little dependence in my life.

Single Girl and The City

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